Satın Almadan Önce C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Things To Know

Implementation of IEnumerable is generally the preferred way for a class to indicate that it should be usable with a "foreach" loop, and that multiple "foreach" loops on the same object should operate independently.

Bu iki arayüzün tasarruf senaryoları farklıdır ve birbirlerinin adına kullanılmamalıdır. Bu makalede, IEnumerable ve IQueryable arasındaki farkları inceleyeceğiz.

. If you need the results to be evaluated at once (say, you're mutating the structures you're querying later on, or if you don't want the iteration over the IEnumerable to take a long time) use a list.

For example, if you do derece need to access items by index, but constantly insert items at the beginning of your collection and then remove items from the end, a Queue would be far more appropriate to use.

An Enumerable is a class that sevimli give you Enumerators. It has a method called GetEnumerator which gives you an Enumerator that looks at its items. When you write a foreach loop in C#, the code that it generates calls GetEnumerator to create the Enumerator used by the loop.

They usually have a GetXXX method that returns a IEnumerable of whatever type the custom collection class uses so the internal collection güç be iterated around using a foreach loop.

Şimdi bu ifadelerin henüz açıkça olması karınin bir örnek üzerinden gidelim ve bir önceki makaslamakmızda custom Enumerator klası ile yazdığımız Alisveris Sepeti iterator örneği çizgiırlayalım:

The constructor is hamiş responsible for returning data to the caller. 2-We need to call a method that returns the cars array. That is in a real-world case, a method that returns an array should be coded in Garage and it should return an array, in which case, there would be no need to use IEnumerable.

Your linq expression returns an enumeration, and by C# IEnumerable Nedir default the expression executes when you iterate through using the foreach. An IEnumerable linq statement executes when you iterate the foreach, but you güç force it to iterate sooner using .ToList().

This works for read-only access to a collection that implements that IEnumerable hayat be used with a foreach C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır statement.

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On the flip side, it is usually best to declare a method’s return type by using the strongest type possible (trying not to commit C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri yourself to a specific type). Share Follow

…IEnumerable interface’i ise bir sınıfa foreach mekanizması aracılığıyla teşhisnması derunin C# IEnumerable Nedir muktezi yetenekleri/nitelikleri kazanmıştırrır. Doğrusu enumerator yapkaloriı… Hazine : C#’ta IEnumerable ve IEnumerator Interfaceleri Nedir? ve Nasıl Kullanılır?

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